The 5 Stages of Missions describes the process of guiding an unreached people group from initial contact with Christian missionaries to full participation in the international work of missions. The stages include making converts, disciples, pastors, leaders and partners. This book presents valuable insights for missionary personnel, home office staff, national leaders and local churches that are sending missionaries or work-teams.
The 5 Stages of Missions is written by a field leader, drawing upon examples from across the continent of Africa. It wrestles with expansion into countries that are closed to the Gospel and proposes additional models, including Bridged and Unbridged Missions and Progressive Empowerment.
What begins as a strategy to exit an established mission field becomes a realization that the true future of missions lies in international partnerships, where each country contributes from their own unique strengths.
The 5 Stages of Missions is only available through Amazon online shopping. It is available in both Kindle and print-on-demand. The Amazon link below will take you to the Australian Amazon website, although it can be searched for in other countries.
KINDLE – Amazon link is available now – $5.99 AUD
PRINT-on-demand – Amazon link is available now – $12.99 USD